
Redstone Experience: Rum Classroom event Wednesday May 25th!

Redstone Experience: Rum Classroom event Wednesday May 25th!


Rum Classroom event Wednesday May 25th @ 6pm!

This class will be hosted by origin beverage and will offer guests a deeper look into the world of rum. You will get to embrace different categories of rum that not only originate from different areas but will leave you with an entirely different view of what Rum is and can be.

Some of the rums that will be featured that night include: Rhum Clement VSOP, Four Square (finished in port casks), Zarfa, Medford Rum, Augostura 5 year & St George Agricole. Guests will get to fast through the lineup as well as sample daiquiris made with different typed of rum to see what a difference each rum makes.

Cost: free but seats are limited so you must register by calling 781-438-9265 to secure your seat at this event …Guest at the event will also receive 10% off of any rum purchase that night!


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