
Highland Park Classroom tasting Event

Highland Park Classroom tasting Event

We are happy to host Sam Karachi Brand Ambassador for Highland Park distillery for an exclusive Single malt scotch private classroom tasting. He will walk you through the Highland Park line including The new Magnus, Dark origins, 12 year, 18 year, Valkyrie, and a new surprise that may be landing in MA that day! Attendees will be going home with swag as well as an opportunity to purchase anything tasted at 5% off of our regular price.

Where: This event will be held at the tasting center @ Redstone Liquors Stoneham
When: Wednesday November 1, 2017 | 6:30pm-7:30pm

This event is Free but you must call 781-438-9265 to reserve your seat as seating is limited to the first 20 people to sign up.

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