
Chance to score some Cantillon & 3F Sours

Chance to score some Cantillon & 3F Sours

Here is your chance to get your hands on some seriously rare sours.

Starting NOON on Wednesday August 7th 2019 any person who purchases 6 single BOTTLE sour beers in Stoneham will not only get 10% off of those beers but they will also get to purchase a bottle of the following (while supplies last & first come first served)…Multiples will be allowed and encouraged as 12 sour beer bottles will get you 15% off and choice to purchase 2 bottles off of the list.

Cantillon Rosé de Gambrinus
Cantillon Fou’ Foune
3F Hommage
3F Hommage Bio Frambozen

BONUS: In addition we will be releasing a limited amount of Girardin Gueuze, 3f Gueuze 750ml as well as Armand and Gaston 750ml bottles at noon as well (these will count toward the 6 bottle purchase)

*note we do reserve the right to change limit policy based off of number of patrons in store to make it a fair experience for those shopping.

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